Monday, July 6, 2009


So, it has been brought to my attention that I have not updated my blog in awhile! Well, I know this is true! I just haven't had the time, energy or pictures. I have really slacked on pictures and my kids life are going to be missing a great chunk picture-wise when they look back later in life for pictures. I suppose that isn't so good for them, but it is done and there is not much that I can do about that!

Anyway, today is Alexa's 5th birthday! Can you believe how the time has flown! I can't believe that she will officially be starting kindergarten in August! Time sure flies when you are having fun!

Emma turned 3 yesterday! The baby is no longer a baby! So hard to believe! She has started potty training and hopefully she will have it down pat so that she will be able to start preschool in September.

Jakob turned 7 May 6th! I still find it hard to believe that I now have a 7 year old! It feels like only yesterday that I was pregnant with him and he was born! He will be starting 2nd grade in August.

Adam is still loving the job at Good Shephard. I am so happy that he made the switch and is happy to go to work everyday. That always make the job so much better.

As for myself, I will be starting Massage Therapy school in August. I will be full time for 11 months, but it will be so worth it! I am so excited about starting, but scared to death with all the work, time and effort that has to go into it! It is going to be a rough 11 months for everyone, but so worth it in the end!

I think that is about all for now. I will try to be more consistent and post what pictures I do have later!!

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