Sunday, March 30, 2008


So, we decided very last minute to go to Minnesota for Spring Break. We got a great deal on a hotel and just wanted to do something. We figured that the kids would love it with all the things to do. We left Easter Sunday (the 23rd) and returned Thursday (the 27th). The Mall of America was a big hit. If it had been warmer there would have been a few more things to do. That's okay though, the kids still had a good time!

Emma had a really great time and got in some really good naps! She slept like this for over an hour! I wish I could sleep any place or any where! Oh, to be a kid again!

Alexa also had a great time! She wasn't tall enough to ride some of the rides, so we had to distract her so that Adam and Jake could go off and ride the rides that she couldn't. Grandma and I took her to Club Libby Lu and she had a "makeover" done. She loved it! She looked to adorable!

Watching as her nails were getting painted.

You have to give your lips a good smack after getting lip gloss on!

Isn't she just the cutest thing! She was all smiles for quite some time after we left!
Doing a little pose.

Unfortunately, we have no pictures of Jake. It is so hard to take pictures and watch 3 kids in an extremely crowded mall. Needless to say, we had a great time and did some good shopping. I can't wait to go back!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Weigh in

I weighed in this morning and was delighted to learn that I had lost another 2.7 pounds. This makes a grand total of 20.9 pounds gone forever. I sure hope that I can keep up the momentum!


So, Alexa went all day yesterday, again, with no accidents. She is even starting to run into the bathroom when she has to go, with no reminders.She is so proud of herself. Now all we have to do is get Emma to use the potty and we will officially diaper free!

Monday, March 17, 2008


So, yesterday was the first day that Alexa used the potty exclusively and had no accidents! She even did #2 before going to bed! She was so proud of herself. This is such a huge relief. It is still going to take some effort on our part because I still don't think that she gets when she has to go, but we're working on it! We are so proud of our little girl! This just took a huge stress out of our lives!

Friday, March 14, 2008

And the battle begins...

Yesterday began the battle of all battles in our house. We started potty training Alexa. We have been hyping it up saying that once we were out of diapers that she would have to begin using the potty. She would always agree, but I don't think that she would take us to seriously. The day finally came and each attempt at sitting her on the potty ended in a lot of tears shed (by Alexa, not us yet!). She peed once and was so proud! She even asked to yell out the slider door that she did it town. It was very cute! But, about 30 minutes later, she had another accident. We are using pull-ups at night as we don't expect her to be able to so it all in one day. She kept asking once Jake got home from school "Is it night time now?". Our answer was "Yes, but are not getting a pull-up until bedtime!". "OH!" was the comment that we got back. It is 10:30 in the morning and so far all I have got her to do is nothing. One pair of underwear have been slightly damp, so I know it is there. She just refuses to give up control and just use the potty! It is making for a very long morning, let me tell you! I wish that there was some miracle way of doing this so that she had the confidence and we didn't have the headache!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back to school

Last night I started my first class in I can't even tell you how long! I have decided that it is time to finally go back and get my Associates. I only have 5 classes left and can't wait to be done! Wish me luck! This is going to get challenging as the classes get a little tougher, but I'll figure out how to make it work! Only 7 more weeks to go!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Slowly, but surely...

So, I weighed in this morning and discovered that I had lost another 3.3 pounds. That makes for a total of 18.2 pounds so far. I really wish that this process didn't take so long, but what can you do. I am doing this to be healthy and I am going to make it stick this time!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Girls

The girls and I were playing around yesterday while Jake was at school. I figured I hadn't taken any pictures of them lately, so I grabbed the camera. It is so hard to get good pictures of them anymore. Alexa always wants to see the picture on the camera once it has been taken. She is leaving the spot she was in before you can even finish taking the picture. Emma just wants to attack the camera and moves towards you as soon as she sees the camera. It makes photo shoots much more interesting!

I love my socks!

Again, these are pictures of Emma that Adam took February 26th. Emma will not keep her socks on her feet for anything anymore. She kept taking them off and shoving them in her mouth and running around like that. She thought it was hysterical! Adam finally grabbed the camera and the rest was history!