Friday, October 31, 2008


It is finally Halloween and the kids are ecstatic! Jakob had school and we got ready to go a little after he got home. It was an incredible day around here. The temperature was in the upper 70's, which is wonderful for us Midwesterners this time of year! We were out for over an hour and a half. They all did well. Emma pooped out about 8 houses from ours on the way back. Good thing we brought the stroller! It was a good time and I hope it is even better next year!
This was the last photo and pretty much all they were saying was "Are you done yet? We want to go trick or treating!".

We had this Cubs jersey and finally talked Jakob into being a Cubs player for Halloween.

Alexa really wanted to be Tinkerbell, but didn't want to have a green costume.

Grandma made the girls costumes and they turned out just beautiful!

Emma was just so excited for it to finally Ha-Na-Neen!

She looked so adorable!

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