We had some family pictures taken on July 5th. We had Papa and Grandma Patti join us on a few shots. They turned out really nice. I'm glad we will always have those memories!
(Sorry these are so big! I tried adding the pictures a different way and they turned out huge! I am not going back to fix it now. Enjoy anyway!)
We decided to go to Brookfield Zoo today with Papa and Grandma Patti. It turned out to be such a hot and sticky day. The kids really didn't care. In the shade with the breeze it was beautiful. A good time was had by all though!
My favorite exhibit (the Butterflies) was open and they were very active this time. I took nearly 300 pictures. Not many turned out that spectacular, but it was fun none the less! Adam was a little surprised by that. He are a few that I took.
The lion was sleeping, but he was beautiful!
The bear was also sleeping.
But the polar bears were wide awake and playing!
The sea lions were also swimming around. This guy had just jumped out of the water, scooted to the back, and froze before he jumped back in the water. It was incredible!
We also saw a hippo that was hanging out under the water. We had waited for quite awhile and the kids were getting inpatient staring at a blob in the water. We had started to walk away and up he comes for air. It was really neat.
So, this is the first summer that we actually got Jakob to ride his bike. We have had bikes for him 3 summers in a row now and he has been to scared up to this point to ride them. We were told that they were to wiggly and who were we to question kids logic! We finally got pictures of the boy and his bike! He is also so verry proud of himself!
And who could forget Alexa! She was following behind Jakob as fast as her little legs could carry her on the little bike (that is now Emma's by the way!). She was also very cute that day!
We went camping again for the last four days. We went to Milton, Wisconsin to a private RV resort. The kids had a great time! There was a pool and a craft every afternoon. It is a place the we plan on returning to next year!
The wheat field that was right behind our campsite.
A dragonfly that just happened to land right next to me as I was taking a picture of something else. I moved the tiniest little bit to try and get a little closer and off he flew! He was beautiful though!
Emma acting oh so silly when I was trying to put her to bed.
The moon over the trees and the wheat field. The photo does not do justice to how beautiful it was that night.
This is on of the playgrounds that is on the campground. Emma was napping so there are no photos of her. Jake and Alexa had a great time though.
So, Adam finally got the call this afternoon offering him the job! He will be a Networ Administrator for Advocate at Good Shepherd Hospital. His first day is July 28th. He is very excited and can't wait to start!
Today was Uncle Rob, Aunt Lindsey and Larz's last day. We decided to go to a local park for some playing and picture taking. The kids had a great time and it was difficult to get them to leave. It was a beautiful day and Aunt Lindsey got some great shots!
Going down the super long slide. My kids could have done this all day!