Adam and I at the end of the night.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Adam and I attended his cousin's, Dan, wedding on Friday, November 28th. It was a beautiful wedding and everything seemed to go just as planned. They did a great job and I'm sure they will remember the day for the rest of their lives!
Her dress was beautiful.
Lighting the Unity Candle
Leaving for the first time as husband and wife. They make a beautiful couple!
Adam's grandmother. She is 89 years old and still beautiful!
Friday, October 31, 2008
So, for those of you that don't know we had a huge hail storm on July 3rd. We had to have our roof replaced and about 8 pieces of siding replaced on the one wall. After an adjuster that didn't do us much good and trying to get somewhere with the insurance company, the new roof was finally started this morning! They finished almost the whole thing. It looks really nice! I will have to post pictures of the before and after once I take some of the afters.
It is finally Halloween and the kids are ecstatic! Jakob had school and we got ready to go a little after he got home. It was an incredible day around here. The temperature was in the upper 70's, which is wonderful for us Midwesterners this time of year! We were out for over an hour and a half. They all did well. Emma pooped out about 8 houses from ours on the way back. Good thing we brought the stroller! It was a good time and I hope it is even better next year!
This was the last photo and pretty much all they were saying was "Are you done yet? We want to go trick or treating!".
We had this Cubs jersey and finally talked Jakob into being a Cubs player for Halloween.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
One of our favorite things to do come Halloween is get pumpkins and carve them. The kids had a great time. This year we let Jakob do just about everything himself. I had to help with the clean out part as it isn't always the easiest thing to do. The girls were in heaven. We let them scribble all over them (to make the faces to carve) and Adam helped them with the carving part. Emma would not stop smiling! It was a fun evening, but I am glad it is only once a year with the mess that is made!
At least this year Jakob wasn't gagging as he is pulling the guts out of the pumpkin.

Very pleased that we let him do most of the work by himself.

As you can see, Jakob gets very into his work!

Waiting patiently for her turn to start attacking the helpless pumpkin.

Emma just kept saying "Cheese!" so I would take her picture!

Very excited that Daddy is letting her do some damage to the pumpkin. Again, a huge smile on her face!

Alexa, "No, do it this way!".

Trying very hard to get that mouth that she carved to pop out.

Again with the "Cheese!" line!

Finally, Daddy let her have her turn! Very exciting!
This was my attempt at night photography of the pumpkins lit up outside. As you can see, it didn't turn out so well, but it looks neat!

At least this year Jakob wasn't gagging as he is pulling the guts out of the pumpkin.
Very pleased that we let him do most of the work by himself.
As you can see, Jakob gets very into his work!
Waiting patiently for her turn to start attacking the helpless pumpkin.
Emma just kept saying "Cheese!" so I would take her picture!
Very excited that Daddy is letting her do some damage to the pumpkin. Again, a huge smile on her face!
Alexa, "No, do it this way!".
Trying very hard to get that mouth that she carved to pop out.
Again with the "Cheese!" line!
Finally, Daddy let her have her turn! Very exciting!
This was my attempt at night photography of the pumpkins lit up outside. As you can see, it didn't turn out so well, but it looks neat!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wisconsin Dells
We decided to go to The Dells over the weekend as the kids had some time off school. We thought that we got a really great deal too! We arrived at our hotel on Friday afternoon and were quite disappointed as we were pulling up. See, we had gone to The Dells about 3 1/2 years ago and loved it! The hotel that we had stayed at had changed names and we thought that was where we were staying on this trip. Needless to say, it was not. We ended up getting right on the phone and booked a different hotel for the next night. Adam and I did not want to admit to the kids that we had messed up, so we stated that how cool was it that we were going to stay at 2 different hotels on one trip! They could not have been more excited! The second hotel was wonderful! It had 3 separate indoor pool/play areas. It was a lot of fun! We plan to go there in the future, although we aren't sure when that will be as it was not the cheapest place around!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
And that's that...
Adam decided last night that Emma was no longer going to be using a pacifier. She went to the Dentist on Thursday and she highly recommended that she stop the pacifier as it is starting to cause a good amount of damage to her teeth. Her front teeth do not touch and she said it will start to repair itself the sooner she is off of the pacifier. Adam took it heart and off we went. It was the worst getting her to go to sleep. She ended up in our bed as she wouldn't stay asleep and all we wanted was sleep. It could have been so much worse so I am not complaining too bad! She will be better off in the end!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Alexa's first day of preschool
So, we weren't as happy as we had been at our previous preschool, so we decided to switch Alexa this year to a brand new preschool. A former teacher from the old preschool works there also. Alexa is so excited that she also gets to see Miss Lisa everyday! Alexa loved her first day and couldn't wait to go back! Her pictures went much more smoothly, although she did keep asking when we were going to leave!

Monday, August 25, 2008
Jakob's first day of school
Today Jakob started first grade. I can't believe that he is even old enough to be in first grade! He was so not into having his picture taken this morning! All he did was complain. The sun is in my eyes, my eyes hurt, when can we go, are you done yet, etc. I barely got any decent shots and these are as good as it gets!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back to school
Last night was the first night of class for me. I am taking Women's Health Issues and a Career Development. The Women's class falls under a section that I need to graduate and the Career class I am taking in hopes of figuring out what I want to do when I grow up! Wish me the best and I will keep you posted on my progress!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Family pictures
We had some family pictures taken on July 5th. We had Papa and Grandma Patti join us on a few shots. They turned out really nice. I'm glad we will always have those memories!
(Sorry these are so big! I tried adding the pictures a different way and they turned out huge! I am not going back to fix it now. Enjoy anyway!)

(Sorry these are so big! I tried adding the pictures a different way and they turned out huge! I am not going back to fix it now. Enjoy anyway!)

Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Zoo
We decided to go to Brookfield Zoo today with Papa and Grandma Patti. It turned out to be such a hot and sticky day. The kids really didn't care. In the shade with the breeze it was beautiful. A good time was had by all though!
My favorite exhibit (the Butterflies) was open and they were very active this time. I took nearly 300 pictures. Not many turned out that spectacular, but it was fun none the less! Adam was a little surprised by that. He are a few that I took.

The lion was sleeping, but he was beautiful!

The bear was also sleeping.

But the polar bears were wide awake and playing!

The sea lions were also swimming around. This guy had just jumped out of the water, scooted to the back, and froze before he jumped back in the water. It was incredible!

We also saw a hippo that was hanging out under the water. We had waited for quite awhile and the kids were getting inpatient staring at a blob in the water. We had started to walk away and up he comes for air. It was really neat.

Oh yeah, and I also took a couple of the kids!

My favorite exhibit (the Butterflies) was open and they were very active this time. I took nearly 300 pictures. Not many turned out that spectacular, but it was fun none the less! Adam was a little surprised by that. He are a few that I took.
The lion was sleeping, but he was beautiful!
The bear was also sleeping.
But the polar bears were wide awake and playing!
The sea lions were also swimming around. This guy had just jumped out of the water, scooted to the back, and froze before he jumped back in the water. It was incredible!
We also saw a hippo that was hanging out under the water. We had waited for quite awhile and the kids were getting inpatient staring at a blob in the water. We had started to walk away and up he comes for air. It was really neat.
Oh yeah, and I also took a couple of the kids!
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