Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So, I weighed in again this morning. I was please that I at least lost 0.8 pounds. This makes for a grand total of 29.1 pounds. My goal was to have lost 30 pounds by Jake's party, but I will take what I can get! I am just having a tough time staying motivated and on track. I have had so much emotionally to deal with and that isn't helping. I just want nice, warm, sunny weather and that should help!

The kids are doing well. I can't believe that next Tuesday Jake will be 6 years old! I just can't fathom that. It seems like yesterday that he was born. All the kids are getting so big. I want them to stay little forever! I love them so much!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So, I did my weekly weigh in on Tuesday and I am pleased to report that I have lost an additional 4.4 pounds. This makes a grand total of 26.5 pounds. It also means that with that weigh in I have lost 10% of my starting weight. It means that I am getting somewhere! I still wish that I could make it go a little more quickly, but that is all the complaining that I am going to do!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jake's tooth!

So, we went out to dinner last night and I heard this screaming from across the restaurant. I really didn't want to know what was going on, but made my way back to the table anyway. Jake had taken a bite of pizza and he had blood all in his mouth and his face was all blotchy from crying. Adam stated that his tooth was so loose that he was surprised that is was still holding on, so to speak. He just kept complaining about it hurting, so Adam took him into the bathroom and pulled it out. This is his fourth tooth that he has lost. The first two were quite awhile ago and the third one was on Sunday, which he must have swallowed with dessert because we never found it. He looks so funny now and we had a good time last night making fun of him because he was talking a bit funny!
He is going to look really funny soon if his teeth start falling out faster than they can grow in!
Once we started taking Jake's picture everyone had to get a piece of that action. This is the best, real smile that we could get out of Alexa.
We kept telling Emma to move so that we could get a picture of Jake's missing teeth. She just kept laughing and pointing to her teeth. She is too funny sometimes!
We figured we might as well get all 3 of the kids in one picture for once. This isn't something that happens very often anymore!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Getting there

As of my weight in yesterday, I have lost a total of 22.1 pounds. I still have a long way to go, but at least I'm trying!